Girl Authentic is an invitation for dialogue. It’s a movement to talk about—and introduce— ideas that will create equilibrium for all of us.

I’d be willing to bet that many of you today are going to think I am discussing a gender issue; that this is a women’s issue. That is understandable, because this has been talked about almost exclusively in the context of a gender issue (for women) for the past couple of decades. However, I’m here to propose that this really isn’t a gender issue – it is about how all of us want to live and work.

An understanding of real equilibrium—for men and women—has been absent. Why? Because there is an absence of the feminine in most of the major structures we spend most of our time in. We see it in the number (or lack thereof) of women leaders, the language used to diminish women, the structures that don’t support women – school start times; imbalance of work done in the home; pay disparities, and many other status quo realities.

We’ve begun to look for ways to create this equilibrium. How many women are told to create a business? Own a business? Supported in financing a business? Entirely too few.

A new era of business opportunity is arriving. There is unprecedented opportunity to build new structures and whole-life business frameworks to support and nurture this growing awareness. When we do, we’ll see new avenues of balance, dialogue, and wealth and abundance for individuals, organizations and communities.

Bringing forth the feminine brings balance. This generation is awakening to the chance of a balanced culture and workplace with masculine and feminine vibrations in balance.

Girl Authentic is about creating a new reality for all humans.